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Policies and Procedures: Associate Dean
Appointment and Reappointment of the Associate Dean
Academic Operations Manual
Approving Authority: SJU Senate Council
Established: April 16, 2015
Date of Last Review/Revision: April 26, 2024
Office of Accountability: Vice President Academic and Dean
Administrative Responsibility: Vice President Academic and Dean
1. Policy Statement
The Vice President Academic and Dean (VPAD) shall appoint an Associate Dean to assist the VPAD in administering the University’s academic operations. The appointment is normally an internal appointment. The VPAD is responsible for the recruitment, selection, and appointment of the Associate Dean.
2. Scope
This policy applies to the appointment and reappointment of the Associate Dean at St. Jerome’s University (SJU).
3. Term of Office
The term of office of the Associate Dean is normally three years and is renewable.
4. General Responsibilities
The plans, projects, expectations, and responsibilities of the Associate Dean may vary depending on the academic operational needs of the University. Normally, the responsibilities of the Associate Dean include administering academic discipline procedures, serving as the University’s representative on various SJU and University of Waterloo committees, and maintaining constructive relationships with undergraduate associate deans at the University of Waterloo. All plans, projects, expectations, and responsibilities of the Associate Dean rest with the VPAD.
5. Procedures for Appointment of the Associate Dean
5.1 Once the VPAD becomes aware of a vacancy in the Associate Dean position, the VPAD shall assess the University’s academic leadership needs. The VPAD shall engage in the following process:
5.1.1 The VPAD will strike and ad hoc advisory committee to assist the VPAD in choosing an Associate Dean. The committee will consist of three academic staff members, elected by the voting members of Senate Council, and the VPAD, who will chair the committee.
5.1.2 The VPAD will invite SJU academic staff to submit applications for the Associate Dean position. The invitation will include a list of minimal qualifications, desired qualifications, and expected responsibilities as well as the materials to be included in the application (e.g., letter of interest, current CV).
5.1.3 Should there be an internal applicant, the ad hoc advisory committee will present a recommendation to its chair regarding each internal applicant based on the applicant’s qualifications and demonstrated abilities to carry out the expected duties.
5.1.4 Should the VPAD determine that there is no suitable internal candidate, the VPAD may recruit, select, and appoint an external candidate. The ad hoc advisory committee will provide a recommendation to its chair regarding the candidate selected for possible appointment as Associate Dean. The recommendation will be based on the candidate’s qualifications and demonstrated abilities to carry out the expected responsibilities.
5.2 At any point in the process, the VPAD may solicit the input of the Academic Chairs and the President.
5.3 The VPAD makes the final decision with respect to appointment of the Associate Dean.
5.4 The appointment process of the Associate Dean should be completed no later than one (1) month prior to the end of the incumbent Associate Dean’s term.
6. Reappointment of the Associate Dean
6.1 The Associate Dean will notify the VPAD at least six (6) months prior to the end of the Associate Dean’s term if they wish to be considered for renewal.
6.2 Should the Associate Dean wish to be considered for renewal, the process will follow the procedure outlined in 5.1.1. The ad hoc committee will review a letter of application for renewal and current CV provided by the person seeking reappointment and present a recommendation to its chair, the VPAD.
6.3 The VPAD makes the final decision with respect to the reappointment of the Associate Dean.
7. Performance Assessment of the Associate Dean
The VPAD shall assess the performance of the Associate Dean annually in light of the Associate Dean’s plans, projects, priorities, specifically articulated expectations, and overall performance.