Subject Course Section Course Title Course Description Instructor Files Term
HIST 260 001 Medieval Europe c.300-c.1500

The political, cultural, economic, and ecclesiastical development of Europe from the fall of the Roman Empire to the end of the high middle ages.


Held with HIST 260


Offered on campus

Fall 2024
HIST 318 001 History of Sexuality: The Modern Period

This seminar introduces students to the history of sexuality. The course focuses on the 19th and 20th centuries.


Offered on campus

Fall 2024
HIST 389 001 Canada in World Affairs

An analytical and historical examination of Canadian foreign policy in the international system. Domestic sources of Canadian foreign policy and international sources of Canadian foreign policy are examined in detail.


Offered on campus

Fall 2024
HIST 391 001 Special Topics in History - Canada-US Relations Seminar

One or more term courses will be offered from time to time as announced by the Department of History. Topics will be dependent upon special research and/or instructional interests of faculty.


Offered on campus

Fall 2024
ITAL 101 001, 081 Introduction to Italian Language 1

An intensive study of the fundamentals of Italian grammar and conversation.


Offered on campus and online

Fall 2024
ITAL 102 081 Introduction to Italian Language 2

A continuation of ITAL101, with more emphasis on conversation and everyday uses of language.


Offered online

Fall 2024
ITAL 201 001 Intermediate Italian 1

Advanced study of grammar. Conversation sessions based on intermediate-level readings reflecting contemporary Italian life. Intensive practice in the spoken and written language.


Offered in coordination with the University of Guelph


Offered in a blended format with online synchronous and on campus components

Fall 2024
ITALST 100 081 Understanding Modern Italy

This course examines Italy's transformation from Unification in 1861 to present day. Students will explore its paradoxes and challenges through films and readings on topics such as the World Wars, the rise of fascism, internal terrorism, and migration in order to gain an understanding of contemporary Italian society and culture.


Offered online

Fall 2024
ITALST 265 001 The Mafia

This course analyzes the visual media representation of the Mafia in North America and the manner in which it often glorifies the Italian Mafiosi's lifestyle. The goal is to deconstruct the romanticized portrayal of the Italian and Italian-American gangster created in visual media by analyzing atrocities committed by organized crime.


Offered on campus

Fall 2024
ITALST 291 081 Italian Culture and Civilization 1

A survey of developments in Italian late Medieval and Renaissance culture and civilization. Students will critically assess the emerging Italian short story (novella), paintings, sculptures, architectural styles, theatrical performances and opera in its nascent form. Students will be able to distinguish artistic styles of various genres pertaining to the late Medieval and Renaissance eras and understand how these reflect the cultural zeitgeist of these periods.


Offered online

Fall 2024