Synod on the Formation of Priests: A Personal Reflection

As the crisis in the priesthood becomes more and more evident in the church, increasingly attention is focussing on the Synod on Priestly Formation, which will take place Sept. 30 and Oct 28, 1990. Will the Synod be able to face the challenges to the traditional model of priesthood head-on? Or will it attempt to solve today’s difficulties with yesterday’s solutions? This will be the second Synod for Doug Letson so he will be in privileged position to observe and discern currents and persons affecting its outcome. Since crises in the priesthood in Canada have focussed especially on inadequate formation of priests in several instances, the reflections of a committed Canadian lay Catholic will be particularly relevant.

Dr. Douglas Letson

Douglas Letson is PResident of the University of St. Jerome’s College. He is co-editor of "Women and the Church: A Sourcebook", co-author of "Portraits of Canadian Catholicism", and the soon to be published "My Father’s Business: A Biography of His Eminence Gerald Cardinal Carter". He was the founding editorial board chairperson of "Grail: an Ecumenical Journal", and was founding Director of the Institute for Studies in Theological Renewal. He is the recipient of the University of Waterloo Distinguished Teacher Award, 1981.

Friday, November 23, 1990 - 7:30pm
Siegfried Hall, St. Jerome's University