Faith of Feminists

Many different kinds of feminist spiritualities are being explored today and all seek,in their various ways, to express the hope for wholeness – an integrated vision of the world that accepts and rejoices in the interconnectedness of all human beings. This lecture will explore the history, context and many faces of the feminist spiritual search.

Katherine Zappone

Katherine Zappone, Ph.D. has been a lecturer in the Shcool of Hebrew, Biblical and Theological Studies, Trinity College, Dublin, as well as a lecturer and staff member of the Institute of Theological Studies (SUMORE), Seattle University, Washington. She is the co-directore of the Shanty Educational PRoject, a pioneering venture for disadvantaged women on the outskirts of Dublin, Editor of "Womanspirit: the Irish Journal of"

Monday, November 14, 1994 - 7:30pm
Siegfried Hall, St. Jerome's University